Saturday, September 18, 2010

Small Bakers Rolling Pin

One of my favorite tools is a small two sided rolling pin I got from Pampered Chef years ago.  Instead of breaking out a large rolling pin to roll out puff pastry or anything small I use this.  Unfortunately the current model is plastic, where as mine is metal and wood.  The plastic one may work just as well but it doesn't look as nice or seem as sturdy. 
Why do companies feel the need to make good products cheaper and plastic.  The less plastic I can use the better off I will be.  If you can find one of the old models get it if not you can give the new model a try.

Great news I found a wooden pastry roller, like the one Pampered Chef use to make.  I think this is a better option vs. the cheap plastic one that Pampered Chef has moved to.  I recommend this one from Chefs Catalog, Item # 26023 for $8.99. 

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