Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cholesterol: Know your levels

Awhile back my husband found out his cholesterol was a bit high.  Later I found out mine was also getting high so I decided to make some changes.  Below is a list I was given providing me better choices.  If your cholesterol is getting high here is some helpful tips.

Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, Nuts (up to 5 oz. of meat, poultry, fish per day)
Choose:  Lean cuts of meat, chicken and turkey without skin, fish, egg whites, beans and tofu
Go Easy on:  Shellfish, duck, egg yolks, nuts
Avoid:  Processed meats, such as bacon and bologna and hot dogs

Milk, Yogurt, Cheese (2 or more servings/day; 3-4 for pregnant or breast-feeding women)
Choose:  Fat free or low fat dairy products; skim or 1% milk, cheeses with no more than 3g of fat per ounce, low fat yogurt.
Go Easy On:  2% fat milk, sour cream
Avoid:  Whole milk, Swiss, American, Cheddar cheese and cream cheese

Fats and Oils (approximately 5-8 teaspoons per day)
Choose:  Corn, olive, canola, sunflower and safflower oils.
Go Easy On:  Avocados, olives, peanut oil
Avoid:  Butter, lard, bacon fat, coconut oil, solid shortening

Breads, cereals, pasta, rice (6-11 servings per day)
Choose:  whole grain breads, whole wheat pasta, whole grain rice and plain baked potato
Go Easy On:  Granola, biscuits, muffins and cornbread
Avoid:  Croissants, pastries, egg noodles and doughnuts

Fruits and Vegetables (3-5 servings per day)
Choose:  Fresh, frozen and dried fruits
Go Easy On:  canned fruit in syrup
Avoid:  Coconut and vegetables prepared in butter or cream

Snacks:  (in limited amounts)
Choose:  Sorbet, low fat frozen yogurt, plain popcorn, pretzels, fruits and vegetables
Go Easy On:  homemade cakes, cookies and pies prepared with unsaturated oils and baked chips
Avoid:  Ice cream, chocolate, potato chips, buttered popcorn

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