Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tandoori Naan Bread, Fabulous Flatbread

If you have yet to try Tandoori Naan, Fabulous Flatbread, you need to pick some up at Costco. If you don't have a Costco membership or don't want 6 flatbreads, I have also seen them at my local Safeway grocery store so keep your eyes out.

I use them for pizza. You can do them on the grill or in the oven and put whatever toppings you like on a pizza. Last night I did one with pizza sauce, mozzarella, ham, pineapple and cheddar and the other with homemade BBQ sauce, mozzarella, rotisserie chicken, sautéed red onions and cheddar.  They were both yummy and a very simple weeknight meal.  I have also put BBQ sauce, leftover shredded beef and cheddar on the pizza.  Use what you have leftover in your fridge to give leftovers a great new twist.

The package tells you to heat them 2-3 minutes but this doesn't melt the cheese.  This method would work if you were making sandwiches or using them to dip in hummus because it makes them soft and pliable.  In a 400 degree oven it will take 10-12 minutes.  On the grill you need to watch them because 200-250 degrees over direct heat for 12 minutes can give you black crunchy crusts.  Crunchy good but black bad.  Next time I'm going to try the indirect heating method with a hotter grill and I'll updatre this post with the correct time/degree.

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