Tuesday, October 5, 2010

BPA free cans, it should be required

One of my action items on my "Be more green" list is to check for cans lined with BPA and avoid them.  I don't use a ton of cans because I reduced processed foods but I do purchase canned beans (garbanzo, kidney, black, refried), tomato sauce, stewed tomatoes, tomato paste, diced tomatoes, tuna, chicken, green chilies, chipolte peppers, cranberry, pumpkin, pineapple, mandarine oranges, olives, water chestnuts, soda pop, V8, pineapple juice, sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk.

After reading up on the site Organic Grace I found that most of the brands I buy do contain BPA which is disheartening.  I especially hate the fact that Coke a Cola and other companies are defending BPA.   I think all products that containing ANY levels of BPA should be required to put it on the can.  Those products that don't have BPA in their packaging need to shout it from the roof tops.

This is what I will do:
  • Avoid #7 plastics
  • Try to purchase things in glass containers
  • Don't wash plastics in the dish washer which in itself is a reason not to use plastic at all
  • I use the following brands so I need to see if they no longer use BPA or switch to a brand that doesn't:  Progresso, Lyndsay Olives, Coke a Cola, Bush Brothers, Libby's, Carnation, Nestle, Rosarita, S&W Organic (what a contradiction), Campbell's, Thai Kitchen Coconut Milk, toothpaste tubes, Muir Glen Organic
I have already:
  • Replaced most of my food storage containers with glass or for those I kept they are BPA free
  • Never microwave in plastic and never reuse any plastic containers that food comes in.

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