Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tip of the Day: Hanging Pictures

If you are hanging a group of pictures or even one I find the best thing to do is to create a mock up equal to the size of the picture.  To create a mock up simple tape pieces of computer paper together to reach the size you need and tape the pieces of paper together.  You can also use plain brown wrapping paper if the item is really large and cut out the size you need but because this paper curls up I find it best to use scrap computer paper.  Once you have the fake paper pictures made, use blue painters tape and tape them on the wall where you wish to hang them.  Then stand back and see if you like it.  If not, no problem simply remove the pictures and reposition them on the wall.  I suggest living with the paper on the wall for a few days to make sure you like it.  You can then place the nails right through the paper, pull the paper off the nail and hang your picture.  No extra holes in your wall and the picture is exactly where you wanted it.

Note:  I did say "scrap computer paper".  I always save my printed on paper to use the back side as scrap paper.  You can also use it again through the printer if you don't tend to use scrap paper for notes or whatever.

The paper is hung so I can see how my pictures will look.  If I don't like the layout I can easily reorganize.
I liked the layout so here is the finished result.

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