Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tweezers: Do you need a new pair?

I needed a new pair.  Trying to pluck those stray unwanted hairs with a pair of tweezers I have had for over 10 years, where the ends no longer came together enough to grasp a tiny hair that was absolutely driving me crazy.  So crazy if too much time was spent I could end up looking like scar face.  Thankfully this never happened and upon getting money for my birthday I put a pair of tweezers on my list of possibilities. 

I had heard of a tweezers called "Tweezerman" and figured I would get those.  Not knowing if they were really good or bad but I thought they were good from what I had in my head.  I knew they carried them at Bed Bath and Beyond (going forward known as BBB) but just kept forgetting to check them out.  This money gave me an job to do because when I get money as a gift I'm always sure to tell the person what I picked up.  To my surprise tweezers ran from $2.00 to $24.00 and of course Tweezerman were at the top of the list.  Since I had been experiencing bad tweezers for many years, knowing the frustration and red marks bad tweezers could cause and still not get that stray hair I went for it and bought the $19.99 tweezers.  Good thing however, if your a smart shopper like me, you save your BBB coupons and I had one for $5.00 off so they were only $15.00, cha ching, savings.

Well now I have had time to put my tweezers into place and I will never go back to a $2.00 pair.  I love you Tweezers MAN!  Don't know if the person who gave me $30 for my birthday will be thrilled with what I got with the money but I am.  It gave me the ability to splurge.  And another thing I loved was they came in colors and I got pink.

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